YW-ZKL系列真空清洗爐適用于化纖行業(yè)的滌綸、錦綸和丙綸生產(chǎn)用的組件、噴絲板、過濾芯等清潔處理,也適用于塑料擠出行業(yè)的模具清潔之用。該設(shè)備利用高分子聚合物在300度左右時可熔融,高于300度隔絕空氣可裂解焦化,高于400度在有少量空氣的環(huán)境中可完全氧化的特性,先將粘有高分子污物的工件加熱到300度(根據(jù)工藝要求擬定),使工件上數(shù)量較多的高分子聚合物熔化后流淌到爐膛下部的收集容器內(nèi),然后再將爐溫升到400-500度,同時打開真空泵,并通入少量新鮮空氣,使剩余的聚合物充分氧化,生成的二氧化碳,經(jīng)水噴淋后通過水環(huán)式真空泵抽吸,和水一起排出爐外。該系列真空清洗爐均采用不銹鋼電熱管真空爐膛內(nèi)直接加熱,密封部位均采用耐高溫密封圈,不需水冷卻保護,所以,該設(shè)備加熱功率小,熱效率高,升溫速度快,溫度均勻性好,加熱器檢查維修方便,較爐外帶式加熱器加熱節(jié)電40%,節(jié)水60%,并且,克服了由于水冷卻導致的爐內(nèi)溫度均勻性差,局部清洗效果不好等缺陷。該設(shè)備具有完整的自動化工作性能,只要對程序溫度控制儀輸入擬定的工作程序,設(shè)備即能進行自動化清洗工作,中途無需人工操作,并具有超溫、缺相和斷水或低水壓報警功能。該系列真空清洗爐均采用不銹鋼電熱管真空爐膛內(nèi)直接加熱,密封部位均采用耐高溫密封圈,不需水冷卻保護,所以,該設(shè)備加熱功率小,熱效率高,升溫速度快,溫度均勻性好,加熱器檢查維修方便,較爐外帶式加熱器加熱節(jié)電40%,節(jié)水60%,并且,克服了由于水冷卻導致的爐內(nèi)溫度均勻性差,局部清洗效果不好等缺陷。該設(shè)備具有完整的自動化工作性能,只要對程序溫度控制儀輸入擬定的工作程序,設(shè)備即能進行自動化清洗工作,中途無需人工操作,并具有超溫、缺相和斷水或低水壓報警功能。主要技術(shù)參數(shù) 型號爐膛尺寸外型尺寸使用功率kw 加熱/真空泵真空度MPa 耗水量 m/h3 控制精度 ±℃ LZKL-A Φ500×600 1200×1800×2100 18/22.2 -0.07-0.085 0.23 2 LZKL-B Φ600×800 2200×2000×2300 21/2.2 -0.07-0.085 0.23 2 LZKL-C Φ800×1000 2600×2300×2500 27/3 -0.07-0.085 0.28 2 LZKL-D Φ1000×1200 2800×2500×2700 32/4 -0.07-0.085 0.45 2 JZKL-A 600×400×400 1600×1200×1000 18/2.2 -0.07-0.085 0.23 2 JZKL-B 800×600×600 1800×1300×1100 21/3 -0.07-0.085 0.28 2 JZKL-C 1000×800×600 2100×1500×1300 27/3 -0.07-0.085 0.28 2 JZKL-D 1200×800×800 2100×1500×1600 32/4 -0.07-0.085 0.45 2 WZKL-A Φ500×600 2000×1000×1300 18/2.2 -0.07-0.085 0.23 2 WZKL-B Φ600×900 2400×1100×1600 21/2.2 -0.07-0.085 0.23 2 WZKL-C Φ800×1100 2600×1200×1800 27/3 -0.07-0.085 0.28 2 WZKL-D Φ1000×1500 2800×1400×2000 32/4 -0.07-0.085 0.45 2 WZKL-T Φ2000×4800 10000×5000×5000 360/7.5 -0.07-0.085 0.70 2 The stove is suitable to clean the sets, spinneret and filter core which are used in the producing of terylene, Chinlon and polypropylene in chemical fiber industry. It can also be used to clean the die in plastics extrusion industry. Based on the high polymer characters such as melting around 300℃, fissioning and coking above 300℃, and oxidizing above 400℃ with a little air, the work pieces adhered with high polymer dirt, firstly, should be heated up to 300℃ to melt these high polymers and make them drip to the collector below the hearth. And then, have the remainder polymer sufficiently oxygenated by heating the stove up to 400-500℃ and turn on the vacuum pump to absorb a little fresh air at the same time. After sprayed by the water, the resultant carbon dioxide will be ejected out together with the water by water-circle vacuum pump. These stoves are all made of stainless steel electrical heating tube heated in the vacuum hearth, and all the sealing parts apply high temperature-resistant seal rings. As a result, they are provided with many advantages such as low heat-up power, high thermal efficiency, fast heating up, even temperature distribution, convenience in maintenance, 40% electricity power saving and 60% water saving. And they have also overcomed the shortcomings of bad homogeneity of the temperature in the stove and poor cleaning effects in some location, which result from the water cooling. In addition, they can do the cleaning job automatically by inputting the program into the temperature controller without manual operation. They also have the features of exceeding temperature, open phase, water break-off and warning ability to low water pressure. |